Your Answer To Affordable Health Care
Healthcare continues to be one of the top economic and social problems our country faces today. One in four working-age Americans either did not get a prescription or take a recommended medical test last year because they could not afford it.
A study from 2008 by the Commonwealth Fund in New York found that two-thirds of US adults younger than 65 in 2007 had difficulty paying their medical bills, went without the medical care they needed because of the cost, and had high out-of-pocket expenses due to being underinsured or uninsured for a period of time. Even with insurance, exclusions, deductibles, waiting periods and limitations increase out-of pocket expenses and may prevent you from receiving the level and types of care that are needed. Services such as dental, vision and prescription are often not included in medical insurance policies. In these days of uncertainty in the health care industry, there is a way to feel secure knowing that you and your family will have the quality health care they deserve.
National Benefit Plans, Ltd. fills the gaps not included in insurance policies and much more! Our members and their dependents receive substantial savings on health care with over 400,000 health care providers to choose from. We guarantee you'll be 100% satisfied, or you may return your membership kit for a full refund. There are no health restrictions, you can use your card immediately and no limit to the care you can receive or the specialists you are allowed to see.